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There was a problem where Custom Post Types were not showing up on Category listings. They worked fine on custom taxonomy listings, but not on categories for some reason. Since the main reading orders on the site are made through these listings, and books are going to be given custom post types soon, this was a pretty big problem.

The solution turned out to be kind of simple, though it took me a while to figure it out.

Basically, I just needed to change the query that called the posts for the loop. What I was having trouble with was adding an array of all the custom post type names.

When I realized I could just use the term “any” in the function to just include ALL the custom post types that were marked as that category…. well, that made my life a lot easier. Holleeee crap!

<?php query_posts($query_string . ‘&order=asc&post_type=any’); ?>

That’s the final query there on the index. Really not that bad – but I’d much rather have an any query that works through proper sorting than really having to customize a new template for every single reading order. This should work though – the test books I put in temporarily seemed to confirm it.

And now back to getting the cache going again.

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