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Ok, so I’m currently running Quick Cache instead of Super Cache or Hyper Cache (notice a theme with these names? Really creative programmers, right?)

So far this is the absolutely fastest of the plugins I’ve tried. Page load time of cached pages is down to 1.5 seconds for everything I’ve tested so far.

I DO still have the problem where category pages are being cached and not refreshed with a new post being added to the database. The options are fairly limited with this plugin (I miss Hyper Cache’s more complex options, but again, it doesn’t work with my current set up at all). Basically, I can set it delete none of the cache on the new post or edit, purge the item for that particular post, purge the item and the home page, or purge EVERYTHING.

I don’t want to purge everything, since 99& of the site won’t change on the one post, but I do want it to purge lists generated with Custom Taxonomies, Tags, and Categories – because that is the main site content. I’ve posted on the wordpress forums about this and hopefully someone will help me find a solution soon.

Regardless, I’ve set it so the forums never cache, still – so while they load a little slower than the rest of the site, they will always show user feedback instantly instead of new posts taking a minute to show up.

Comments, though, should show up instantly on the post if not in the “3 comments” on this item type text in the blog view.

Again, let me know if you run into any weirdness as you go through the site. Your feedback has helped me a LOT with this project.

Oh darn it all:

Just a minute after I posted this I ran into an error where it was displaying the cached pages of ME logged in to any user who visited the page. So there’s something weird going on with the logged in user caching and I had to disable that. Which means that the site will run fast for any casual visitor, but still slower for any of us who comment or log in. Frustrating!

I’ll see if there is any way I can fix that as well.. or, for gosh sakes, find yet another alternative.

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