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I added a Self Contained list to put books in any series that isn’t part of a wider continuity, mainly so I can get them out of the Unplaced Books list (which is kind of a checklist for what I have to do!)

You may be wondering why there are self contained and single graphic novel books on a reading order site. It’s so I can tag creators in them and eventually you’ll be able to make a reading list for your favorite writer or artist. Or even editor or letterer! I’m really looking forward to the day when there are enough tags and books in the database to make that a reality! Yes, that means I’d have to add every graphic novel and collected edition in existence to my database. Heh. This may take some time.

I also added a DC Comics Classics Library series, since DC has been releasing some hardcover volumes under that header. I don’t think it’s a replacement for the Archives, but it seems to be somewhere between Chronicles and Archives in terms of cost. Haven’t had a chance to pick any up myself yet, but I’m sure I’ll be going for that Swamp Thing at some point.

I’ve also added header images for these three pages, seen below.

Self ContainedFor this one I went with Spider from Transmetropolitan. Can’t go wrong with this bastard.

DC Comics Classics Library – This is from the cover to Justice League of America By George Perez Vol. 1 – I just like the layout with the panels faded in the background, and Dibney being all awkward right in the middle. Doesn’t he know he looks funny when he does that?

DC Archive Editions – This image is from the cover to The Comic Cavalcade Archives Vol. 1. I know, I took out the trademark vertical lines. They just didn’t look right resized. I might try again later, I’m not quite happy with this one. It’s just tooooo black in the background there. I love these three guys having a happy little run, though. Looks like they’re off to get ice cream.

I also updated the header descriptions for the above as well as Showcase Presents and Chronicles (to add links to the other archive style DC collections).

In addition, I updated the titles of all the books in the Chronicles section to match the preferred formatting. That means taking out the colon (:) and adding “The” to each book title.

You know, Chronicles is a funny word.

So, I promised a list of all the new books added to the database. I’ll get right on that.

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