Managed to squeak in a couple more, including the volume of Batman that includes Penguin’s first appearance (in Detective Comics 58).
The Superman Chronicles Vol. 8
That’s the last Superman Chronicles book out so far, though I’m sure another one is around the corner. At least I’d hope so – I love the Chronicles series.
Chris Marshall wrote on at May 14, 2010 3:41 pm:
I saw a copy of Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #10 (March 1981) it the first true origin of the Penguin by Ross Andru and Dick Giordano.
A good origin story or something different? I’m not familiar with the one you’re talking about.
Chris Marshall wrote on at May 14, 2010 3:55 pm:
It’s the real detailed origin. I’m not sure if it’s been reprinted before.
Are those Blue Ribbons squarebound/card cover? I’ve actually never seen one in person before. Where’d you find it?