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Squadron Supreme

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Includes Issues:Squadron Supreme 1-12; Captain America 314
Original Publication Dates:September 1985 - August 1986
TPB Publisher:Marvel Comics
TPB Publication Dates:September 21, 2005
ISBN-10:078510576X (Softcover)
ISBN-13:978-0785105763 (Softcover)
Pages:352[More Info]

Lists:Comics, Marvel Modern Age, Marvel Primary Continuity, Marvel Universe
Creators:, ,
Edition:[More Info]

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Unique Reading Order ID: 198204130000
Chronological List Value:1986.08
TRO Database Book ID:8178 [More Info]

7 Comments Post New »

  1. Marc wrote on at February 22, 2011 9:04 pm:

    Just saw that this got stuck into the Supremeverse, which isn’t exactly right. “Supremeverse” is the name of the specific universe where JMS’s Supreme Power takes place. However, the Squadron Supreme in this book is the one that interacts with primary continuity, so they’re totally different. It would probably be better to make a series/event called “Squadron Supreme” for these characters — either that, or just don’t give them a series/event tag at all.


    Ian replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 9:36 pm:

    lol. I’m constantly reminded about how rediculous our obsession is.

    I meant that tag as a general purpose one, like you mean, so if you think it makes more sense to change it to “squadrom supreme” for the series tag, I’ll just do that.


    Ian replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 9:38 pm:

    well, I guess there is already the squadron supreme character tag, maybe I’ll just delete the list tag?


    Marc replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 9:55 pm:

    The thing is, both the Primary Squadron (as I’ll be calling it from this point on, to make things easier) and the Supremeverse books ALL have the character tag “Squadron Supreme” right now. I think the character tag should be taken off the Supremeverse books, since strictly speaking, they’re NOT the Primary Squadron.

    Then I think it would be good to remove the “Supremeverse” tags from the Primary Squadron books and replace it with “Squadron Supreme.” It’s enough of a series that it warrants its own tag, I think. Plus, I kind of assumed that in the final version, “Squadron Supreme” would be deleted as a character and replaced with the characters’ actual names.


    Ian replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 9:59 pm:

    sheesh haha
    I’ll add in the names eventually yeah.

    so they’re not the primary squadron, but I was thinking about it kind of like an avengers thing. the avengers might not always be the avengers, but they’re the avengers, ya know?


    Marc replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 10:00 pm:

    Yeah I definitely get the logic, I just think this is a weird, extreme case where it can lead to a lot of confusion (as our own conversations about it have evidenced!). So the more clearly delineated they are, the better, in my opinion.


    Ian replied on February 22nd, 2011 at 10:07 pm:

    I supppose. I was kind of thinking that someone interested in one would want to see the other.


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