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Batman: City of Crime

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Includes Issues:Detective Comics 800-808, 811-114
Original Publication Dates:January 2005 - February 2006
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Lists:Comics, DC Modern Age, DC Universe, Post-Crisis
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Unique Reading Order ID: 200902071200
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TRO Database Book ID:818 [More Info]

7 Comments Post New »

  1. Daniel wrote on at June 9, 2010 1:53 am:

    This one’s not going to end up being part of my big infinite crisis update, so I thought it best I comment on it now, lest I forget.

    The book explicitly identifies itself as taking place prior to the War Games saga. (yay for helpful books!) So, it has to take place prior to War Drums, and after No Man’s Land Vol. 5 There’s no indication of whether it takes place before or after the Bruce Wayne: Fugitive story arc so I’m gonna assume that’s its after.

    But rather than putting it with all the fugitive books or with the war games books, I thought you might could find a place somewhere inbetween so the Batman books don’t cluster together quite as much. Hopefully that makes sense.


    Ian replied on June 9th, 2010 at 1:56 am:

    Makes perfect sense. I’ll find a place for it and include a note about it in the next batch of book updates I’m doing right now.

    With the site going faster, it’s going a loooooot smoother.

    Is the site working for you nicely? I decided to put in backup pagination just in case ;)


    Ian replied on June 9th, 2010 at 3:25 am:

    hm. without knowing more specifics, I think I’ll probably place it right before War Drums. It means a little clustering, but do you know where it should be placed in relation to, for example, Hush, Broken City, Death and the Maidens, and As The Crow Flies? I have no idea.

    Let’s consider it tentatively placed before War Drums and we’ll move it again later if we have to. Not a big deal.


    Daniel replied on June 9th, 2010 at 6:05 pm:

    Ok, on further analysis I’ve been able to narrow the range again — It definitely takes place after Officer Down and before S/B: Public Enemies. That much can be confirmed by the status of a couple of characters…

    Beyond that, honestly like the Lex book, we have the same problem that it doesn’t identify itself more specifically to a time period and actually directly contradicts continuity (part of the plot involves a mayoral re-election campaign — but there is an established history of mayors in Gotham, and this guy isn’t one of them.)

    So what I’m going to suggest is a little “creative” but hopefully this will suit you. Since this could go anywhere in that era, I went through looking for any plot threads that would work well with other books, some way to tie this into continuity that would make a little sense (despite the mayor thing.) What I went with is the status of a villain who plays a minor role here… he is at large at the beginning and ending of this book, and then goes on to play a major role in the first Gotham Central trade, where he begins at large and is arrested by the end.

    So what I’m going to suggest is that this book be placed between Supergirl: Many Happy Returns and Gotham Central: In the Line of Duty. So few ongoing Batman characters make an appearance here that it’s pretty tricky, but this seems as good a place as any and at least will flow relatively naturally.

    What do you think?


    Ian replied on June 10th, 2010 at 1:10 am:

    That sounds good to me. Definitely the kind of reasoning I found myself using all the time with the early batman books, haha

    It’s moved to the new place now.


  2. Daniel wrote on at June 9, 2010 1:58 am:

    yeh, its working better than it ever has. quick and smooth. good job!


    Ian replied on June 9th, 2010 at 1:59 am:

    Thanks man! I’m getting to be so proud of it. It may not be the prettiest site out there, but it’s a slick little bugger – and bigger than it looks.


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