Sam Miller (Rellimsam) |
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Rellimsam's Collection
- Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 1
- Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2
- Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra Vol. 1
- Ultimate Elektra - Devil's Due
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 1 - The Fantastic
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 2 - Doom
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 - Power and Responsibility
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 - Learning Curve
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 1 - The Tomorrow People
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 - Double Trouble
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2 - Return to Weapon X
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 4 - Legacy
- The Ultimates Vol. 1 - Super-Human
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 3 - World Tour
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 5 - Public Scrutiny
- The Ultimates Vol. 2 - Homeland Security
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 4 - Hellfire and Brimstone
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 5 - Ultimate War
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6 - Return of the King
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 7 - Irresponsible
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 3 - N-Zone
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 4 - Inhuman
- Ultimate Vision
- Ultimate Annuals Vol. 1
- Hellboy Volume 1: Seed of Destruction
- Hellboy Volume 2: Wake The Devil
- Hellboy Volume 3: The Chained Coffin and Others
- Hellboy Volume 4: The Right Hand of Doom
- Hellboy Volume 5: Conqueror Worm
- B.P.R.D. Volume 1: Hollow Earth & Other Stories
- Hellboy: Weird Tales Volume 2
- Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder: In the Service of Angels
- Spider-Man: With Great Power...
- X-Men: Children Of The Atom
- Essential Captain America Vol. 1
- X-Men Legends: Dark Phoenix Saga
- X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga
- X-Men Vs. Fantastic Four
- Spider-Man: The Birth Of Venom
- Wolverine: Weapon X
- X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse Prelude
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Return Of The Monster
- Hulk: The End
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 2: Boiling Point
- Captain America: Red, White And Blue
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 3: Transfer Of Power
- Hulk Vol. 6: Split Decisions
- Truth: Red, White And Black
- Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection
- Marvel Zombies
- Captain America: Red Menace Vol. 1
- Uncanny X-Men: Rise And Fall Of The Shi'ar Empire
- Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk
- World War Hulk
- Incredible Hulk Vs. The Marvel Universe
- Mighty Avengers Vol. 2: Venom Bomb
- Deadpool Vol. 1: Secret Invasion
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Son Of Banner
- Wolverine Vol. 1: Wolverine Goes To Hell
- Jonah Hex: No Way Back
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II
- Batman: Year One
- Superman: Birthright
- Batman and The Monster Men
- Batman: Tenses 1-2
- Superman: The Man of Steel - Volume 1
- Shazam: The Power of Shazam
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Batman: Haunted Knight
- Batman: Dark Victory
- Legend Of The Hawkman Book One: The Fallen One
- Legend Of The Hawkman Book Two: Heresy
- JLA: Year One
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 1
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 2
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 3
- The Flash / Green Lantern: The Brave And The Bold
- Green Lantern: Tales of The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow? (Deluxe Edition)
- Batman: The Killing Joke
- Swamp Thing: Spontaneous Generation
- Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame
- Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
- Batman: Arkham Asylum
- Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale
- Superman: The Death of Superman
- Superman: World Without a Superman
- Superman: The Return of Superman
- Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight & A New Dawn
- Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire
- Elseworlds: League Of Justice
- Green Lantern: Emerald Allies
- Green Lantern: The New Corps
- JSA: Volume 1: Justice Be Done
- Green Lantern: Traitor
- Kingdom Come
- JLA: Volume 7: Tower of Babel
- Superman: Our Worlds at War Omnibus
- Green Arrow: Volume 1: Quiver
- Green Lantern: Legacy - The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
- JSA: Volume 5: Stealing Thunder
- Green Arrow: Volume 2: Sounds of Violence
- Green Arrow Vol. 3: Archer's Quest
- Gotham Central Book 1: In The Line of Duty
- Green Arrow: Straight Shooter
- Elseworlds: JLA: Age Of Wonder
- Teen Titans: Volume 1: A Kid's Game
- Teen Titans: Volume 2: Family Lost
- Identity Crisis
- Green Lantern: Rebirth
- Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: The OMAC Project
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Day of Vengeance
- JSA Vol. 10: Black Vengeance
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Rann-Thanagar War
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Villains United
- Green Lantern: No Fear
- Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 1
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 2
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 3
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 4
- Infinite Crisis
- Infinite Crisis Companion
- 52: The Companion
- 52: Volume 1
- 52: Volume 2
- 52: Volume 3
- 52: Volume 4
- DC: World War III
- Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
- Infinite Crisis Aftermath: Battle For Bludhaven
- Blue Beetle: Shellshocked
- Green Lantern: Ion: The Torchbearer
- Green Lantern Corps: To Be A Lantern
- Green Lantern: Ion: The Dying Flame
- Green Lantern: Wanted: Hal Jordan
- Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space Volume Two
- Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green
- Superman: Last Son
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 1
- JSA Presents: Green Lantern
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 2
- Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. 1
- Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 3
- Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. 2
- 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen
- Black Adam: The Dark Age
- Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up
- Superman and the Legion of Superheroes
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 4
- Green Lantern: Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest
- Joker
- Green Lantern: Secret Origin
- Superman: The Coming of Atlas
- Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
- Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire
- Superman: Brainiac
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 1
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 2
- Supergirl: Who is Superwoman
- Superman: Mon-El Vol. 1
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 3
- Green Lantern: Agent Orange
- Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse
- Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 1
- Superman: Codename Patriot
- Solomon Grundy: Solomon Grundy
- Supergirl: Friends and Fugitives
- Superboy: The Boy Of Steel
- Blackest Night: Tales of The Corps
- Blackest Night: Blackest Night
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 4
- Supergirl: Death And The Family
- Superman: Mon-El Man Of Valor
- Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 2
- Incredible Hulks: Planet Savage
- DC Super-Pets: Super Hero Splash Down
- 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen
- 52: The Companion
- 52: Volume 2
- 52: Volume 3
- 52: Volume 4
- 52: Volume 1
- B.P.R.D. Volume 1: Hollow Earth & Other Stories
- Batman and The Monster Men
- Batman: Arkham Asylum
- Batman: Dark Victory
- Batman: Haunted Knight
- Batman: Tenses 1-2
- Batman: The Killing Joke
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Batman: Year One
- Black Adam: The Dark Age
- Blackest Night: Blackest Night
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern
- Blackest Night: Green Lantern Corps
- Blackest Night: Tales of The Corps
- Blue Beetle: Shellshocked
- Booster Gold: 52 Pick-Up
- Captain America: Red Menace Vol. 1
- Captain America: Red, White And Blue
- Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Day of Vengeance
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Rann-Thanagar War
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: The OMAC Project
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis: Villains United
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- DC Super-Pets: Super Hero Splash Down
- DC: World War III
- Deadpool Vol. 1: Secret Invasion
- Elseworlds: JLA: Age Of Wonder
- Elseworlds: League Of Justice
- Essential Captain America Vol. 1
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 1
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 2
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 3
- Final Crisis: Countdown to Final Crisis Volume 4
- Gotham Central Book 1: In The Line of Duty
- Green Arrow Vol. 3: Archer's Quest
- Green Arrow: Straight Shooter
- Green Arrow: Volume 1: Quiver
- Green Arrow: Volume 2: Sounds of Violence
- Green Lantern Corps: Emerald Eclipse
- Green Lantern Corps: Recharge
- Green Lantern Corps: Sins of the Star Sapphire
- Green Lantern Corps: The Dark Side of Green
- Green Lantern Corps: To Be A Lantern
- Green Lantern/Superman: Legend of the Green Flame
- Green Lantern: Agent Orange
- Green Lantern: Baptism of Fire
- Green Lantern: Emerald Allies
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn
- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn II
- Green Lantern: Emerald Twilight & A New Dawn
- Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale
- Green Lantern: Green Lantern Corps: Ring Quest
- Green Lantern: Ion: The Dying Flame
- Green Lantern: Ion: The Torchbearer
- Green Lantern: Legacy - The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
- Green Lantern: No Fear
- Green Lantern: Rage of the Red Lanterns
- Green Lantern: Rebirth
- Green Lantern: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
- Green Lantern: Secret Origin
- Green Lantern: Tales of The Green Lantern Corps Vol. 1
- Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps
- Green Lantern: The New Corps
- Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. 1
- Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps Wars Vol. 2
- Green Lantern: Traitor
- Green Lantern: Wanted: Hal Jordan
- Hellboy Volume 1: Seed of Destruction
- Hellboy Volume 2: Wake The Devil
- Hellboy Volume 3: The Chained Coffin and Others
- Hellboy Volume 4: The Right Hand of Doom
- Hellboy Volume 5: Conqueror Worm
- Hellboy: Weird Tales Volume 2
- Hulk Vol. 6: Split Decisions
- Hulk: The End
- Identity Crisis
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Return Of The Monster
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 1: Son Of Banner
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 2: Boiling Point
- Incredible Hulk Vol. 3: Transfer Of Power
- Incredible Hulk Vs. The Marvel Universe
- Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk
- Incredible Hulks: Planet Savage
- Infinite Crisis
- Infinite Crisis Aftermath: Battle For Bludhaven
- Infinite Crisis Companion
- JLA: Volume 7: Tower of Babel
- JLA: Year One
- Joker
- Jonah Hex: No Way Back
- JSA Presents: Green Lantern
- JSA Vol. 10: Black Vengeance
- JSA: Volume 1: Justice Be Done
- JSA: Volume 5: Stealing Thunder
- Kingdom Come
- Legend Of The Hawkman Book One: The Fallen One
- Legend Of The Hawkman Book Two: Heresy
- Marvel Zombies
- Mighty Avengers Vol. 2: Venom Bomb
- Mystery in Space: Mystery in Space Volume Two
- Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 1
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 2
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 3
- Seven Soldiers of Victory: Volume 4
- Shazam: The Power of Shazam
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 1
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 2
- Showcase Presents: Green Lantern Vol. 3
- Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder: In the Service of Angels
- Solomon Grundy: Solomon Grundy
- Spider-Man: The Birth Of Venom
- Spider-Man: With Great Power...
- Superboy: The Boy Of Steel
- Supergirl: Death And The Family
- Supergirl: Friends and Fugitives
- Supergirl: Who is Superwoman
- Superman and the Legion of Superheroes
- Superman: Birthright
- Superman: Brainiac
- Superman: Codename Patriot
- Superman: Last Son
- Superman: Mon-El Man Of Valor
- Superman: Mon-El Vol. 1
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 1
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 2
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 3
- Superman: New Krypton Vol. 4
- Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 1
- Superman: Nightwing and Flamebird Vol. 2
- Superman: Our Worlds at War Omnibus
- Superman: The Coming of Atlas
- Superman: The Death of Superman
- Superman: The Man of Steel - Volume 1
- Superman: The Return of Superman
- Superman: World Without a Superman
- Swamp Thing: Spontaneous Generation
- Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Insiders
- Teen Titans: Volume 1: A Kid's Game
- Teen Titans: Volume 2: Family Lost
- The Flash / Green Lantern: The Brave And The Bold
- The Ultimates Vol. 1 - Super-Human
- The Ultimates Vol. 2 - Homeland Security
- Truth: Red, White And Black
- Ultimate Annuals Vol. 1
- Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra Vol. 1
- Ultimate Elektra - Devil's Due
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 1 - The Fantastic
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 2 - Doom
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 3 - N-Zone
- Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol. 4 - Inhuman
- Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 1
- Ultimate Iron Man Vol. 2
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 - Power and Responsibility
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 - Learning Curve
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 - Double Trouble
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 4 - Legacy
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 5 - Public Scrutiny
- Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 7 - Irresponsible
- Ultimate Vision
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 1 - The Tomorrow People
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 2 - Return to Weapon X
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 3 - World Tour
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 4 - Hellfire and Brimstone
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 5 - Ultimate War
- Ultimate X-Men Vol. 6 - Return of the King
- Uncanny X-Men: Rise And Fall Of The Shi'ar Empire
- Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow? (Deluxe Edition)
- Wolverine Vol. 1: Wolverine Goes To Hell
- Wolverine: Weapon X
- World War Hulk
- X-Men Legends: Dark Phoenix Saga
- X-Men Vs. Fantastic Four
- X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse Prelude
- X-Men: Children Of The Atom
- X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga
- Chronological sorting is not yet active. Check back soon!