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X-Men: Dark Phoenix Saga

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Includes Issues:X-Men 129-138; Classic X-Men 43; Bizarre Adventures 27; Phoenix: The Untold Story; What If? 27
Original Publication Dates:January - October 1980
TPB Publisher:Marvel Comics
TPB Publication Dates:August 11, 2010
ISBN-10:0785149139 (Hardcover)
ISBN-13:978-0785149132 (Hardcover)
Pages:352[More Info]

Lists:Comics, Marvel Modern Age, Marvel Primary Continuity, Marvel Universe
Creators:, , , ,
Edition:[More Info]

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Unique Reading Order ID: 198109170000
Chronological List Value:1980.10
TRO Database Book ID:7970 [More Info]

4 Comments Post New »

  1. Marc wrote on at March 30, 2011 12:54 pm:

    In the “Included Issues” section, “X-Men” should probably be changed to “Uncanny X-Men” for consistency.

    I noticed because I was just doing an Issue search for “Uncanny X-Men” and this book didn’t come up, although the other Dark Phoenix books did.


    Marc replied on March 30th, 2011 at 12:56 pm:

    After some more investigating, it seems that the issues are inconsistently labeled for the Uncanny X-Men Masterworks as well. It might not be a bad idea to change all the books prior to Chris Claremont to “Uncanny X-Men” either.


    Ian replied on March 30th, 2011 at 8:55 pm:

    Can you leave comments on the ones that should be changed? I wasn’t sure about that, honestly, because it’s listed differently in different places and cbdb had some confusing info on the series page.


    Marc replied on March 30th, 2011 at 9:13 pm:

    I can probably go through it over the weekend, but basically it’s going to be every issue of X-Men published before 1991. The title was originally called “X-Men,” but its indicia was changed to “Uncanny X-Men” around the time Chris Claremont started (issue 94). Today, people retroactively call issues 1-93 “Uncanny X-Men” as well.

    There probably wouldn’t have been any need for people to make that distinction, but then in 1991 Marvel started publishing a series called just “X-Men.” So these days, when someone says X-Men #5, you can assume they’re referring to the 1990s series. If they want to talk about the issue from the 1960s, they’ll say Uncanny X-Men #5. In other words, every issue of the X-Men title that began in the 1960s (and is now past issue 500) is “Uncanny X-Men.”


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