So I’ve made some design changes and updated my to do list of Upcoming Features. The changes reflected to viewers are pretty minimal, but I’ve been up for the past 5 hours testing and tweaking to try and get the Infinite Scroll or larger lists loading.
It’s not going to happen. Due to the nature of the content and how the site is performing it’s actually just much faster to find the book you want to have quick pagination – the infinite scroll stuff can’t be cached, which makes you wait for the server to generate the information each time. It’s about two to three times the wait vs. just clicking next page.
I’ll see if there’s any other more graceful solution, but in the meantime I removed the Infinite Scroll plugin, since it’s never going to be active, and then had to rework in the page navi and js.scroll functionality. So it took a little bit. I’ll keep tweaking the site to get it running faster so the pagination isn’t as painful.
Since we’re at a reasonable spot right now, though, speed wise, I’m gonna try and focus on the content versus functionality for the rest of the week.
That means more book’s moved from Unplaced Books and getting the Staff/Contributor page and Home page up, then finishing the How To Use This Website page.