Now that I’ve got those books from the last update in the database, I’ve created a couple series lists to house them.
They also include the couple books that were already in the database, Superman Adventures: Adventures of the Man Of Steel and Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade.
It may seem a little silly at first, since all the stuff from the animated list is also on the All Ages list, but it isn’t so the other way around. Anyway, here are the new header images:
DC Animated – I think that this image, from The Batman Adventures: Dangerous Dames and Demons, has a nice mix of animated Batman going on. I chose Batman since Batman: The Animated Series was the show I grew up with – and it’s still good even as an adult. Plus it kind of launched the whole DCAU as we now know it.
All Ages – I’m not sure how any image could say “safe for kids” better than this adorable line up of Tiny Titans.
And that’s that for another header update! Time for me to grab some shut-eye.