I’ll probably have time for a reading order update or two before leaving for work tonight, but I’ve had to concentrate on fixing some backend stuff (and some actual physical reorganization!)
Basically, I made it so that when I’m logged in (as admin) then I can see the “dates” of the posts right in the front end. The date values are actually what determines the order for the lists right now! So that way, without going to the edit post page, I can see what date the new book (that I’m trying to insert into the reading order) needs to be. This should make doing updates a lot quicker.
I guess I could have tried to make it some kind of custom value that determines order (or used drag and drop plugin) but dates are just values with a lot of digits, if you think about it. Not having to change that system makes it easier for me to keep the blog in the same database, also, and to use various plugins that were built for wordpress’s more normal uses (like the CSV imports I do!)
Besides that, I’ve been moving bookshelves all night! We’ve got a new roomie moving in at the end of the month and our place is still a mess since our old ones moved up north and left all their stuff (which was actually nice of them, but we’ve got a lot of trimming down to do!)
The upside of that is that the physical mirror of the DCU reading order will get a bit of a makeover as I shift the shelves around and finally have some time to add the showcase books (which have been sitting on a separate shelf) into the main unit. Once I’ve got all the books I currently have into it, I’ll finally be able to take a picture to show you.
On a side note, we’re having a discussion about the placement of Batman: Cacophony and Batman: The Widening Gyre in continuity over at CBR. It was inspired by this blog post over at With Great Power, a little review blog that you should check out!