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By | Monday, May 31, 2010 | 6:22 pm | 0 Comments | Blog > Database Updates

I know some of you are getting this update via Google Reader or some other feed reading program or device. I’ve noticed, recently, that the images don’t properly align when reading off the site, which is a minor annoyance, but it bugged me.

Mainly, this is because the code for aligning is in the css style theme, and not in each post. But I’ve found a plugin to automatically correct the wordpress feed without loading down the original posts with additional code.

This post is to make a note of that, but also to test to plugin and make sure it’s working correctly. If you’re reading the update feed in your reader and the image up top (of Mister Miracle and his mother box) is centered, then it worked!

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By | Monday, May 31, 2010 | 4:10 pm | 0 Comments | Blog > Database Updates

So we’ve got a couple more little tweaks with these books. The order on page 28 of the reading order now goes as follows:

Green Arrow: Volume 6: Moving Targets
Info Green Arrow 40-50 September 2004 – July 2005
Legion of Super Heroes: Foundations
Info The Legion 25-30, Secret Files 3003  1 December 2003 – April 2004
Teen Titans: Volume 4: The Future is Now
Info Teen Titans 16-23; Teen Titans / Legion Special November 2004 – June 2005
Outsiders: Wanted
Info Outsiders 16-23 November 2004 – June 2005

Also, The Future Is Now has been added to the Identity Crisis event listing.

If anyone has any comments or feedback on those changes, feel free to let us know!

These past couple days, I’ve mainly been working with Daniel’s advice (which is excellent), but I’ll be putting in some more books myself tonight and in the next couple days, promise.

This weekend may have been a three day vacation for a lot of people, but my shop is open all three days (tourist industry) and I generally work 10 hour days on Friday and Saturday… so my free time to do updates is usually some time in the middle of the week. *shrug*
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By | Monday, May 31, 2010 | 6:31 am | 0 Comments | Blog > Database Updates

Alright, we’ve been talking about it more (caution, spoilers in that thread) and I’ve been leafing through book after book and I think I’ve got the new placement for Lex Luthor: Man Of Steel. Unfortunately, it triggered a shuffling of the early Superman books.

Superman: Kryptonite is now before Superman: Birthright. Even though the start of Birthright is earlier, the end could easily be later. They directly conflict anyway, so don’t worry too much about them making sense. With anything.  (just like any other dc retcon).

Daniel realized (and I confirm, direct from the book) that post crisis lex doesn’t really have any idea what Kryptonite is before pulling it from Metallo’s chest, so Lex Luthor: Man Of Steel has to be later than Superman: The Man Of Steel Vol. 2.

So I’m placing it there, right after, on page 9 of the RRO. It’s as good a place as any for this book, something that simply isn’t designed to make sense in a DC timeline – the book directly contradicts itself, let alone just other books.

Feel free to read over the comments where we came to that decision if you want a headache along with us. :)

Now, I’m gonna go to sleep because I’m super-pooped.

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By | Monday, May 31, 2010 | 1:02 am | 20 Comments | Blog > Database Updates

Here are some more updated placements stemming from conversation with Daniel.

First, Superman: For Tomorrow has been moved from in front of In The Name of Gog to after That Healing Touch (as can be seen on Page 28 of the RRO)

You can view conversation on the book for more details.

Next up, through some discussion we managed to find a new place for the Original Graphic Novel, Lex Luthor: Man Of Steel. It now comes right after Superman: Kryptonite on Page 3 of the RRO. Nope still looking for a place.

Also, I’ve added That Healing Touch to the Identity Crisis list.

Now, if you don’t mind, I think I might actually settle down for a little and read a comic. I’ll let you know if the placement for LL: MOS needs to be tweaked again after I finish it :)

Edit: ok, it needs to be moved, but I’m not sure where to yet. Very odd book. More after I finish it. Discussion in the comments here – spoiler warnings (just for this book).

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By | Sunday, May 30, 2010 | 3:23 am | 0 Comments | Blog > Database Updates

While Daniel was reading along the Recommended Reading Order (around page 28), he noticed that the Identity Crisis tie-in order could be tweaked a little to avoid some spoilers. You can follow along with his logic in his comment on the Identity Crisis book page.

I’ve moved JSA: Volume 9: Lost and The Flash: The Secret of Barry Allen as a result. I also added a little Identity Crisis series/event page and tagged those three books for it. If anyone knows any other books that tie heavily into Identity Crisis, let me know and I’ll add them to that listing – or I’ll just add any I notice while I’m reading through at a later date.

We’re also still chatting a little on that page, if you’re interested in joining in.

As a side note, I was able to easily find which page the Identity Crisis book was on, just by putting “Identity Crisis” into the google site search! I’m so excited, it’s actually working. Hitting the link above the results that prefers the RRO results made the first result the link I needed – to part 28 of the reading order. Keep giving me feedback on that one, though, I’m sure it could use some further tweaking.

Edit: In light of the increased discussion on the site lately, I’ve replaced the top right adsense unit with a recent comments widget. It will only show the two most recent, but that should be enough to dive into whatever back and forth is currently going on. I may move (or put an additional) Recent Comments section somewhere on the front page, maybe changing the “most recently updated books” section to 3 books instead of 5. That is, if you think such a thing would be useful or fun.

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